Guest Blogger - The Story Siren!

Book blogging was still pretty new when I started, well at least I think it was in my little piece of the blogosphere. Initially I had a personal blog, where I blogged about my boring life, mentioned books I was reading and movies I'd seen, the usual. I was hitting the library up every week. I have a problem.

It wasn't until I'd stumbled upon an actual book blog (The Page Flipper) that I had a light bulb moment. There are people out there that love books as much as me! So, The Story Siren was born. A place for me to share my thoughts on something that I love. If you would have told me two years ago when I started TSS, that it would be what it is today.... I wouldn't have believed you. Not that I doubt myself, but I had no ambitions for my blog, it just was, what is was, a book blog.

Honestly, I don't know how I do it, or even how I did it. I still don't have any idea what I'm doing. I've always been a big reader, finishing one, picking up another, so it wasn't really hard for me start blogging and have content to put up. It's the writing part that I struggle with. I'm not a writer. I'd like to be sure, but I know I'm not. Thankfully blogging is about more than just writing.

I'm still working on balancing my life, reading and aimless hours on the internet. I'm not a big television watcher, so that frees up some reading time. But I also don't want to neglect my family because my nose is stuck in a book 24/7. I also have a day job, I wish I could stay at home all day and read, but unfortunately blogging doesn't pay the bills... (will have to figure out how to make that work.) On good days I can read three books a day. But that's a good day, and there aren't many of those! It can be overwhelming at times when I look at my review pile, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I get lots of email asking how I get my books, and rather than go into detail on that, I'm going to post a few links here of posts I've done on the topic. (How do you get all those books?, How do you get all those books? Part two) I also get a lot of emails from new bloggers on how to improve their blogs, and I always point them to some blog tips posts I did.

Something I've learned through this whole process is that blogs evolve. You have to find things that work for you. Just because something works for another blogger, doesn't necessarily mean it will work for yours. Do what your comfortable with and watch your blog evolve. It's supposed to be fun, if it's not fun then it's not worth doing. Just to prove that blogs evolve, take a look at my very first review. My style is totally different now then when I first started out. It's not better or worse, it's just different, I found something that worked for me and stuck to it.

I hope to continue blogging for as long as I enjoy it. If it eve comes to a day that it feels like a chore I'll probably throw in the towel, although I don't really see that happening. It's a great community to belong to! I love meeting new bloggers, feel free to drop me an email at thestorysiren(at)hotmail(dot)com.

Thanks Heather for having me! I admire Heather's ambition to help others, that is so awesome! Be safe!

The Story Siren


PJ Hoover said...

Great interview! I've found the same thing applies to my blog (not a review blog). Find what works for you and go with it.

Kate said...

Wicked interview! I'm gald that you found what works for you :)

Kate said...

I should say guest blogger post rather than interview.

The Book Resort said...

What a fun guest blogger post, Kristi! Keep up the terrific job you are doing.

Thanks, Heather, for inviting Kristi over.

Heather Zundel said...

No problem! I'm just so glad she was so willing and awesomely sweet about coming. My jaw almost dropped when she agreed (is that terrible that I'm a bit of a fangirl over a few too many blogs?) :) And Kristi, by the way, thank you for that sweet introduction on your blog, and your picture with your books rocks.