Bookie Woogie rocks my world.

Current Theme Song (aka what's playing on my ipod right now): River Shule by 12 Girls Band.

How do I write this so I don't sound like I'm flaunting a pretty shiny in front of you? (I mean, it was hard enough to write my post about my Christmas presents, goodness). Okay, there's no way around it so please join me in my squeal-fest.

I won the coolest prize from Bookie Woogie today! For those who don't know, Bookie Woogie is one of my absolute favorite blogs out there. Why? Because it is run by kids. Three incredibly awesome and talented kids by the way. Their dad (also wonderful and amazing) reads to them (they have over 3000 books in their library. Can I tell you how jealous I am?) and then tapes their discussion. It is thoughtful, hysterical, and fantastic. Then he transcribes it and posts it online. And did I mention they each draw pictures of the book they read afterward? Like I said, incredible (and here is a contest they held for other artists to reinterpret their art. So many participated, it was so cool).

And I won one of their drawings! Their original drawings. Mine is picture from 9-year-old Gracie for the picture book This is the Stable in honor of Christmas. Here is a glimpse of it:

Stunning, right? I cannot tell you how excited I am to get it. It is the first time they have ever offered their original artwork in a contest before. If you don't subscribe to them, you should. You won't be disappointed. It's a joy to read every week.


Kirthi said...

Congratulations on winning the picture, it's so colorful! And pretty too :) I love Bookie Woogie, I followed :)

Frankie Diane Mallis said...

Awwww sooo cute! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Wow that sounds like an awesome blog and a great prize. I work with kids and i usually keep every single piece of artwork they give me! I will have to check out their blog!

Charlotte said...

Oh, well, I'm off to Bookie Woogie ! This blog sounds amazing. And congratulations on the prize, it's really cute !

By the way, I should've told you earlier, but you've actually got two awards to grab down at my place...! Yeah, I'm Santa but a few days late.

Heather Zundel said...

Kirthi - Have you heard of them before?

Frankie - It is, isn't it? They are the cutest kids.

Book Snob - I know what you mean. I have a drawing a little girl gave me a long time ago. It's a precious treasure to me.

Charlotte - You'll love them. And wow. Thanks!!!

Heather said...

That blog is ADORABLE and so smart. Thanks so much for sharing the link; I'd never heard of it before!

Heather Zundel said...

Heather - They are smart little cookies aren't they? I love them to death. Glad their getting publicity out of this.