Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A very BIG contest that you should not enter...

Current Theme Song (aka what's playing on my ipod right now): The Fortunate by Cartel.

Because honestly? I want to win it. :) But that wouldn't be fair to Frankie Diane Mallis, because she has made a huge step on her way to publication, winning the hand of an amazing agent at Andrea Brown Literary Agency - Laura Rennert (they are a pretty big literary agency, for my readers who don't know). So congrats, Frankie! :D And she is having a gi-normo contest to celebrate. She's uh, offering signed copies of The Hunger Games and Catching Fire (and a free pre-order of Mockingjay).

Oh. You didn't see that?



She's offering signed copies of The Hunger Games and Catching Fire (and a free pre-order of Mockingjay)!!!

So if that interests you at all (and if it doesn't, we are not on speaking terms for at least 45 seconds), then head over to her blog, follow her, and follow all those pretty instructions. Good luck!


  1. Woohooo! And may the odds be ever in your favor for this one;)

  2. Oooh, I love that. Props to you for that quote.
