Quick Update on Contest Epic

Current Theme Song (aka what's playing on my ipod right now) Wires by Athlete.

Two important announcements. First, Lexie, you got to the next benchmark! You now have your choice of three books from the book booty! :D And second, I am going to be putting up another spreadsheet (don't cringe, it's good, I promise. And it's the last one). It is for anyone (who is a follower) who wants to enter for the UBER PRIZE PACK of AWESOME. That way anyone who is really interested will be in the running. So if you're not a follower already, I suggest you ammend that pronto. And there is only like 35 more followers before I add signed books to the uber prize pack and I'm really hoping to make it. I really want to give those away. We can make it in a week, right? I will try and put the spreadsheet up later today. Okay? Okay.



Lexie@BookBug said...

YAY!!! So excited!!