One Way to Make Yourself Feel Really Good

Current Theme Song (aka what's playing on my ipod right now): Meet Me at the Copa by Frank Sinatra.

I'm almost late again and I hate that. Okay guys, listen up and listen well. Guys Lit Wire, a fabulous blog if you haven't already been there, is holding their annual library charity drive. Each year they pick a library in sore need of help, and then create a wishlist of books the kids/librarians pick themselves (so you know they are getting books they want) for people like you and me to help stock.

I think it is an amazing idea and an absolutely wonderful endeavor.

And this year they have a high school library in Washington DC where there is less than 1 book per student. It breaks my heart. The list they have created is fantastic, with over 900 books to choose from. And the guys at Lit Wire have made it so it can fit into any budget. Used, new, they are all fantastic.


(and this is where I really have to give myself a facepalm)

There is only one day left to the drive. It ends Wed the 18th. There are a ton of books left to pick. As of this posting, The Illustrated Man, Shiver, Eon/Eona, Hatchet, Pride and Prejudice, I, Robot, Seabiscuit, Tangerine, Odd and the Frost Giants (Neil Gaiman), New Moon/Eclipse/Breaking Dawn, Postsecret, The 100 Best African American Poems, Something Wicked This Way Comes, The Road, City of Ashes/City of Glass/City of Fallen Angels, The Outsiders, Brave New World, The Secret Life of Bees, To Kill a Mockingbird, Beauty (Robin McKinley), A Conspiracy of Kings, Julie of the Wolves, Going Bovine, Rules (and a ton of others) have not been bought yet. There is sure to be a book you feel a child deserves to read.

The wishlist is here.

So, even if you can only spare a little, think about how much that little can make. You would be helping build a library, and that book would affect far more than a single person. And that is something very special.

All of the details are in this post. Post any further questions you have in the comments!


Jeanmarie Anaya said...

I hadn't heard about this until just now. So don't be hard on yourself. They just got one extra book for their library from me because of your late post! LOL

New follower, by the way. Love your blog!

Jeanmarie Anaya said...

One other thing...they extended the drive to May 20th, so there's still plenty of time!