Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Guess My Adventure

Current Theme Song (aka what's playing on my ipod right now): Soul Meets Body by Death Cab for Cutie.

It's that time again, and this time I think I may actually win this round. At least, I hope so (considering I've never won in the past. Not once). Yes, I do look silly. I have one more picture that makes me look a bit better, but that's for tomorrow. Guess away!


  1. Skydiving? Oo...wait! That big air fan thing that you fall into and then float around like you're flying?

  2. Meg - You're RIGHT. Oh my goodness, nailed to a T. *shakes head* I don't think I'll ever get any of these right. And everyone is getting so specific too...

    Juju - You are way too good. How on earth did you guess? I didn't think the suit was THAT much of a giveaway. :)
