Guess My Adventure

Current Theme Song (aka what's playing on my ipod right now): Hanging By A Moment by Lifehouse.

Here is a new "mini-feature" I am going to start here (meaning: I have no idea how often I'll be putting this up. Like, it won't be scheduled. It's like a surprise!). :) I'm calling it "Guess My Adventure" and it is pretty self-explanatory. I'm always touting about my amazing (and also rather ordinary) adventures. Let's see if you can guess where I am/what I am doing (anything you can surmise from the clues or photo, anything at all. Let's bring out those plaid detective thinking caps, all ye Sherlocks-in-training). Because every day is an adventure and I want to show that on here. So far, only virtual cupcakes will be given to winners, but these cupcakes will be made of pure 100% grade-A awesome. So, are you ready?

What is my adventure?


Tales of Whimsy said...

FAB picture!

Asian art museum in DC?

Shannon Messenger said...

I'm guessing you're looking for something better than "A museum" but...that's the best I can do. But I love the picture. You look adorable, as per usual!

Heather Zundel said...

Dang, Juju! You nailed it right on, first time. That's incredible. Have you actually been there? Either that or you're reading my mind. It's one of my favorite places in DC. Certainly my favorite art museum there. Cupcakes coming your way!

And thanks, Shannon! :)

Unknown said...

I've been there! It's awesome, isn't it?

PJ Hoover said...

I've never been there and I've been to DC tons of times (leaving tomorrow for DC). Maybe I'll do and take a similar picture...

Vanessa said...

They should have gone with a statue of you instead. =o)

Heather Zundel said...

Beth - It IS awesome. I love it.

PJ - Did you end up going here over the weekend? I'd love to see the pic.

NotNessie - Hee. Now THAT would have been interesting.